Apocalypse header
Apocalypse page two hundred seven. Panel one: Famine and Feast sit on their couch, cats in their laps. Famine opens with 'I'm so sad!' Feast, looking concerned, asks her 'Why?' Famine says 'I read that men are six times more likely to leave when their wives become ill than the opposite.' Panel two: Feast, trying to comfort her, says 'Are you worried that I'm going to leave you??' Famins brushes him off with 'No no, I EXPECT that.' Panel three: Feast is so surprised! 'What, why??' Famine snaps 'Because of the Statistics! Have you not been listening to me??' Panel four: Now confused, Famine asks 'Okay, then why are you sad?' Famine wails 'Because of the W O M E N!'

Posted September 22 2024