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Apocalypse page two hundred seventeen. This is in chat format like Discord or Messenger. Panel one: Death (light blue bubble, black human skull icon) pops in to say 'My child just called mummies 'echyptian zombies'.' Plague (green bubble, black bird skull icon) replies 'Oh my god. He's so close to saying it right! And SO right about the monster type.' Panel two: Death skeptically types 'Mmmm mummies are leveled up MAGIC zombies. They are almost always some kind of powerful person who managed to grow more powerful in or after death.' Plague says 'Too fancy. Try 'ambulatory gross looking undead''. ' Panel three: Plague continues 'As opposed to vampires, which are ambulatory (usually pretty) zombies.' Death gasps 'How DARE you lol.' Plague continues with 'Observe my flawless system. ' Panel four: Plague sends a chart, typed out, that sorts undead into Gross and Not Gross. Under Not Gross she's filed Vampires. Under Gross it branches into Hungry and Not Hungry. Then under Hungry she lists Zombie and under Not Hungry she lists Mummy.

Posted December 1 2024